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Photography by Tim Bauer. Styling by Maia Liakos
Celebrity News

Abbott’s women

Liberal leader Tony Abbott is a self-confessed attention seeker, who polarises women’s opinions. It’s a trait that has got him into hot water, yet he is surrounded by women who are fiercely loyal and admire him. Helen McCabe reports. Tony Abbott slides into the back of a government car at Townsville airport. “Sorry,” he says, […]
Photography by Randy Larcombe
Celebrity News

The art of being Poh

After her success on hit show MasterChef, artist and cook Poh Ling Yeow tells Larry Writer it’s not fame and fortune but fulfilment that drives her. When something wonderful happens in Poh Ling Yeow’s life, she will take her Scottish terrier, Zed, and whisk him in a jig of joy around her flat in Adelaide’s […]
Surviving summer

Surviving summer

Summer heat triggers a surprising variety of ailments. Here are some natural home remedies that spell relief. Athlete’s foot Soothe skin and clear infection by putting 1 cup of apple cider vinegar in a bowl of cool water and soak your feet for 10 minutes twice daily. Apply tea tree oil directly to the affected […]
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Diet & Nutrition

Breast is best — for teens, too

The benefits of breastfeeding just keep adding up. Now, according to a study published in the spring 2009 issue of Journal of Human Capital, it seems the effects also last for considerably longer than was once thought. Researchers examined the academic records of siblings, some of whom were breastfed as babies, and others who were […]
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Magnificent mangoes

For many of us, mangoes are the first sign of the summer weather and the beginning of the fresh summer fruit season. And not only are mangoes delicious, they are also nutritious. Because of their vibrant orange colour, mangoes contain plenty of vitamin A and vitamin C — which are powerful antioxidants. They also contain […]
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Sex & Relationships

Man calculates his chance of finding love one in 285,000

A PhD candidate at a British university has hypothesised his chances of meeting Mrs Right are one in 285,000. Not very promising is it? A tongue-in-cheek paper written by Peter Backus at the University of Warwick used the Drake equation to determine his chances of meeting the love of his life. The formula was originally […]
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Ease the quease

If you’re hitting the road, hopping on a plane or sailing the high seas this summer, make sure that motion sickness isn’t part of your travel plan with these simple and effective ideas. Wear an acupressure wristband These are specially designed for people who get carsick, seasick or airsick and they really work. The bands […]
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Parental control: Healthy eating habits in kids

As parents there are various ways you can have a positive impact on your children’s long-term eating behaviours. We’ve come up with some key ways in which you can help establish healthy habits for life. We’d also love to hear any tips you may have. Set an example. As parents, you will need to set […]