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March issue correction: Insider puzzle
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March issue correction: Insider puzzle

Due to a production error, the Insider puzzle was printed incorrectly in the March issue. Here is the correct version of the puzzle. For full Terms and Conditions of Entry, freecall 1800 110 385. All puzzles are authorised under the permit numbers: ACT Permit No. TP10/89, NSW Permit No. LTPS/10/162. Download the puzzle here.
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The ‘devilish’ biscuits that ruin your diet

If you are anything like us then you will often find it impossible to stop at just one biscuit. But researchers suggest it’s not just a question of willpower (or lack of) but actually has to do with the specific kind of sugar that goes into many biscuits. Glucose-fructose syrup, based on the so-called “good […]
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Diet & Nutrition

Take a nap — wake up smarter

It might be time to consider taking your pillow to work as researchers have found that a short sleep in the middle of the day can improve your capacity for learning and retaining new facts. Although, good luck explaining that to your boss when they catch you snoozing at your desk. Researchers in California have […]
How to store meat

How to store meat

Question: What is the best way to store raw meat? Raw meat should be kept separate from cooked food, and stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator to avoid juices dripping down and contaminating other food. Always store raw meat in the coldest part of the refrigerator (usually the bottom shelf). Wrapped raw meat […]
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An ego epidemic?

A study from the University of San Diego suggests that narcissism is on the increase. Symptoms that define the condition include an inflated sense of one’s own importance, a sense of entitlement (eg: to fame, good looks, or a particular job), vanity, overconfidence, materialism, an inability to empathise with others, and difficulty accepting criticism. The […]
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Totally Trenery

After working her magic at Witchery and Country Road, Sophie Holt, the revamp queen, has turned her hand to design at Trenery — the new offshoot from Country Road. The label has pieces for both women and men which are on trend with a focus on classic styling. The womenswear range includes a smart-casual range, […]
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Spice up your diet with antioxidants!

It’s not unusual to hear the term “antioxidants” used in all different ways these days, being applied to everything from processed foods through to face creams. But there’s no need to look for expensive potions to get your antioxidants, they’re already in your fridge and pantry, found naturally in the foods we eat every day. […]
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The ‘cancer risk’ of frying steak

Frying meat on a gas hob can increase your risk of getting cancer, according to new research. Researchers at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology have found that the fumes produced by pan-frying steak on a gas hob contain more cancer-causing particles than those produced from an electric hob, the UK’s Daily Mail reported. […]
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Eating fruit could block breast cancer

Extracts of a tropical fruit grown on vines could have cancer blocking powers, according to new research. Scientists studying green and knobbly bitter melon fruit found that certain ingredients interfered with the chemical pathways involved in cancer growth, the BBC reported. Breast cancer: risk factors They found the fruit instructed the breast cancer cells not […]
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Can chewing gum give you wrinkles?

We all know that discarded chewing gum can make our streets look like a dog’s dinner, but have you ever thought that they may be making your face deteriorate too? A cosmetic surgeon in America is suggesting that excessively chewing gum could actually give you wrinkles, citing the anecdotal evidence of the customers who come […]