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Skin cancer cure found, scientists claim

US researchers believe they have found a vaccine that can help patients fully recover from melanoma, even in its late stages. Tests by scientists at Chicago’s Rush University Medical Centre have shown that the vaccine attacks tumour cells without harming healthy cells and can even target cells away from the area injected, the UK’sDaily Telegraphreported. […]
The looks of Runway 3 and 4 at L'Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival

Runway beauty

If the runway is anything to go by (and trust us, it is) old Hollywood glamour is back in a big way. Runway 3 The look: A super metallic look, the eyes shimmer with silver and the blackest mascara while the lips provide a strong counter focus in a dark plum. “The hair gives a […]
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The spice is right

Cooler weather sees me hauling out my big saucepans to make hearty and nourishing soups, broths and stews. Spices not only add colour, flavour, and mouth-watering aroma, but remarkable health benefits, too. Cayenne pepper increases blood flow (and therefore nutrient supply) to the peripheral parts of the body, especially to the head, making it perfect […]
Napoleon Perdis: Forever Flawless

Napoleon Perdis: Forever Flawless

Clockwise from top left: Mosaic Powder & Puff (not shown), $60. NP Set Lipstick in San Francisco, $22. Camera Finish, $59. Auto Pilot Pre-foundation Primer, $49.50. Prismatic Eyeshadow Quad — Air, $49. Stick Foundation, $59. Stockist: 1800 814 572. His name is synonymous with flawless, beautiful make-up. Now Napoleon Perdis has put his genius into […]
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Sex & Relationships

What the doctor ordered?

Don’t focus solely on potions and pills when a loved one falls ill. There’s a different kind of medicine that’s freely available to all and just as important as any prescription. It’s hard to stand by and watch when someone gets sick. You want to help, to make the illness go away. It’s easy to […]
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Blueberries for hepatitis?

Researchers from Japan’s University of Miyakazi have identified a chemical compound in blueberry leaves that may possibly stop the hepatitis C virus’ ability to reproduce. The compound is a proanthocyanadin, with antioxidant properties similar to those found in grapes and wine. The study, published in the Journal of Biological Chemistry, offers hope for patients with […]
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Sex & Relationships

Have an affair… with your husband!

Spice up your marriage with a spousal fling … Marital blip: Some relationship problems start when the passion and sense of adventure ebbs away, leaving couples with a routine and sometimes mechanical existence. “One of the most common issues facing couples is wavering desire,” says Elisabeth Shaw, a psychologist specialising in relationship issues. “This can […]
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Educated women are the heaviest drinkers, a study shows

If you are rather partial to a glass of wine more than once in a while then you can console yourself with the thought that this is probably down to the fact that you are a clever person. That’s the conclusion of major new study which has found that university-educated women drink more than those […]
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Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is caused by a hormone imbalance. It affects about 5 to 10 percent of women and is a leading cause of female infertility. PCOS is diagnosed by having two of the following three symptoms: small cysts on the ovaries, increased levels of male hormones and no regular ovulation. Women may also […]