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Dannii: the stars align
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Dannii: the stars align

A burgeoning career, a new man and a baby on the way … Bryce Corbett discovers how Dannii Minogue has finally found her mojo. A funny thing happened to Dannii Minogue on the way to 40. She found her way into our affections. After more than 30 years of singing and dancing her heart out […]
Say what you like about Dannii — the girl’s a survivor

Say what you like about Dannii — the girl’s a survivor

Years ago, when I was a cub reporter chasing celebrities for Sydney’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, I had an A-list diary clash. Perennial superstar Joan Collins was in town, promoting a book or a perfume or something like that. Also visiting Sydney on a promotional tour was Andrew Shue (or Andrew Who? as he has now […]
Photography by Tim Bauer. Styling by Maia Liakos.
Celebrity News

Queen of the Cross

Her late husband dominated Sydney’s underworld for years, his infamy now immortalised in the TV drama Underbelly. Here, Georgina Freeman tells us of her enduring love for the man she describes as more George Clooney than Chopper Read. There have been many kings of Kings Cross, but if there is a queen, it is Georgina […]
Susan Boyle: fame, fortune and now she wants a bloke
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Susan Boyle: fame, fortune and now she wants a bloke

From self-proclaimed “wee Scottish wifey” to global singing sensation, Susan Boyle has won fame, fortune and the adoration of millions. All she wants now is a man. In our exclusive interview, she tells her Cinderella story. What made you apply to go on Britain’s Got Talent? Well, I’d watched the show like everyone. And I […]
Fidelity French style
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Fidelity French style

After a decade living in Paris, The Weekly’s newest writer, Bryce Corbett, has seen it all. So, when glamorous First Lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy became embroiled in an affair scandal, he knew exactly how the French would react. Eyebrows all over the world were raised in March when scuttlebutt started leaking out of Paris that French […]
The world’s most famous tom boy
Celebrity News

The world’s most famous tom boy

With million-dollar baby Shiloh Jolie-Pitt making headlines for her tomboy chic, we ask the experts whether her choice of dress-ups is a normal passing phase or cause for concern. Months before she was even born, photographs of Shiloh Nouvel Jolie-Pitt were making headlines. US gossip magazine The National Enquirer claimed a grainy image on its […]
*Beautiful Malice*

*Beautiful Malice*

Beautiful Malice, by Rebecca James, Allen & Unwin, $24.99. Rebecca James has been hailed as the “next J.K. Rowling”, not because her book has anything to do with wizards, but because it was the subject of a frenzied, worldwide bidding war that pushed advances past $1million. Often, things don’t live up to the hype, but […]
*Secret Daughter*

*Secret Daughter*

Secret Daughter, by Shilpi Somaya Gowda, Morrow , $23.99. A fabulously turbulent family drama set in two great cities, Los Angeles and Mumbai. The two settings are almost characters themselves, the smog, the traffic jams and the teeming, chaotic nature of the East alongside the clipped lawns and somewhat antiseptic, sliced-white-bread nature of the West […]

*The Winter of Our Disconnect*

The Winter of Our Disconnect, by Susan Maushart, Bantam $34.95. The author’s three children didn’t remember a time before email or instant messaging or Google. They didn’t just use the media, they “inhabited” it. And so Maushart embarks upon The Experiment, to live without any of it; pull the plug on the family’s entire armoury […]


Trust, by Kate Veitch, Penguin $32.95. Life can change at any given minute, so watch out. And you may think you know those you love, but you don’t. Not really. Susanna, the central character in this gripping emotional drama, learns this as her life goes into a tailspin. Not even her 20 plus years rock-solid […]