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Take your thyme

Red wine lovers can happily justify moderate tippling, thanks to the impressive body of research which indicates that one of its key components, resveratrol, interferes with the action of the inflammation-producing COX-2 enzyme, which is linked to a host of health disorders, including cancer and heart disease. However, people who don’t drink or who don’t […]
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Two-thirds of women ‘completely bored with their lives’

If you struggle to get out of bed in the morning and just can’t get inspired about anything, then you’re not alone. Two-thirds of women are “completely bored” with their lives, a new UK survey has found. A lack of variety in daily routine, limited social life and work pressures were given as the main […]
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The scent of lemon

Lemon is one of the most magic scents in the garden. Much as I love roses — especially a cloud of rose perfume on a hot day — lemon scents are often stronger, as they come from the leaves, not the flowers. There are more leaves than blooms, so much more scent. This doesn’t mean […]
I'm All Over That

I’m Over All That

Win our Book of the Month Be one of the first 25 people to sign up to the Simon & Schuster monthly update and correctly answer the competition question for your chance to win a free book! About the book At a certain time in life, we all come to realise what is truly important […]
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Women are twice as vulnerable to stress

Women are more susceptible to stress than men because of a greater sensitivity to a substance produced when they are anxious, a new study has found. Scientists have long known women are more vulnerable than men to stress and related conditions such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, but this research from the US is […]
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Solutions for sinus problems

For such a tiny part of your body, your sinuses (the narrow channels located around your nose, eyes, cheeks and forehead are not much wider than the lead in a pencil) can sure pack a painful punch when they’re all bunged up. If the pressure is getting to you, here’s how to make yourself feel […]
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Sex & Relationships

If you get sick, can your finances cope?

Paying the bills might be a cinch when you’re taking home a regular pay check. But it pays to be prepared for the unexpected. It’s easy to think it’ll never happen to you. You’ll always be fit and able, capable of earning a living to pay the bills and provide for your family. But if […]