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A research team from England’s University of Warwick says it may be possible to substantially reduce your chances of developing heart disease with a simple blood test to check your vitamin D levels. In one of the largest studies of its kind, the researchers reviewed 28 studies, which examined over 99,000 men and women from […]
Catriona Rowntree in the Book Club hot seat

Catriona Rowntree in the Book Club hot seat

Getaway presenter Catriona Rowntree discusses her favourite books in our new monthly Book Club feature. What was the last book you read? After reading a recommendation in this very magazine, I grabbed at the airport, en route to Tuscany, Frances Mayes’ latest offering Every Day Iin Tuscany. To read her colourful description of her beloved […]
Navigating the supermarket with kids

Navigating the supermarket with kids

With all the bright colours and exciting packaging, the supermarket can be an enticing place for young shoppers and marketers know all too well the influence of “pester power”. So how can you navigate the supermarket, avoiding the junk food and tantrums? It may not be impossible, in fact the following tips may help you […]
Bilberry lowers blood sugar

Bilberry lowers blood sugar

In a study reported in the Journal of Nutrition, Japanese researchers have found that bilberry extract helped to control blood sugar and improve insulin sensitivity. The team gave the extract, along with a normal diet, to mice that had a genetic predisposition to developing diabetes; the other group of lab mice just received the food. […]
Benefits of resistance training

Benefits of resistance training

Regular participation in resistance training can provide a range of positive health benefits. These include increased bone mineral density which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and related fractures later in life. It increases muscle strength, improves posture, and boosts metabolism which can assist with weight management. Despite these well-known health benefits, resistance training is often not implemented into exercise routines.
Benefits of resistance training

Benefits of resistance training

Regular participation in resistance training can provide a range of positive health benefits. These include increased bone mineral density which can reduce the risk of osteoporosis and related fractures later in life. It increases muscle strength, improves posture, and boosts metabolism which can assist with weight management. Despite these well-known health benefits, resistance training is […]
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Wearable art: the statement necklace

Looking for a new way to get more mileage out of your current wardrobe? Have you considered nabbing yourself a statement necklace (or three)? These great buys can be an inexpensive way to add high-impact, runway style to your everyday outfits. A statement necklace is so versatile it can add instant glamour to your fancy […]
Why kids need independence

Why kids need independence

A study from the University of Montreal, published in the Journal of Personality, gives weight to the growing body of evidence suggesting parents do their children a disservice by monitoring their leisure activities too closely — or ‘helicoptering’, as this style of over-zealous parenting has become known as. The study examined the behaviour of both […]