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Tilda Swinton: a woman of passion
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Tilda Swinton: a woman of passion

Tilda Swinton’s life is as intriguing on-screen as it is in real life. The unique beauty talks to Josh Jackson about her unconventional film roles and how she openly loves two men at the same time She attended boarding schools in England and Scotland before graduating from Cambridge University in 1983. Two years later, she […]
Best friends: Kristy Hinze and Jodhi Meares
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Best friends: Kristy Hinze and Jodhi Meares

Kristy Hinze and Jodhi Meares share a friendship that stretches back almost two decades. Now, as both women tell Bryce Corbett, they find themselves at personal and professional crossroads. In pictures: Billionaire boyfriends Kristy Hinze — Style inspiration This is a tale of two lives less ordinary. The story of a couple of Aussie girls […]
Are our girls growing up too fast?
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Are our girls growing up too fast?

It’s not just padded bras and lipstick – girls are experimenting with sex way too soon and teen pregnancies are on the rise. Bryce Corbett reports on this disturbing new trend. It’s two o’clock on a Saturday afternoon in suburban Melbourne. A pink limousine pulls into a driveway and disgorges a gaggle of excited 10-year-olds. […]
Jailing the innocent
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Jailing the innocent

Being imprisoned for a crime you did not commit is the stuff of nightmares. Sue Williams talks to the wrongly convicted about their call for justice reforms. Alexis Keogh is curled up in a chair, looking through a big box of letters. She smiles as she re-reads some, a shadow of sadness passes over her […]
The new face of 50
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The new face of 50

Once deemed over the hill, 50 is now the age of personal and professional success. These three well-known women sing the praises of their age to Kelly Baker. In pictures: 50+ and fabulous A generation or two ago, we lived in a vastly different Australia to the one we live in today. Telephones had cords, […]
Tears and tattoos
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Tears and tattoos

In a battle worthy of one of his hugely successful books, author Stieg Larsson’s untimely death has pitted his partner, Eva Gabrielsson, against his family, as she tells William Langley. On a November afternoon in 2004, 50-year-old Stieg Larsson, an overweight, chain-smoking, Swedish news agency reporter, arrived at his office in central Stockholm. The lift […]
What hue are you?

What hue are you?

According to a study from the Universities of Bristol and St Andrews in the UK, published in the Journal of Primatology, we regard people with a pink or yellow tinge to their skin as being the healthiest. Researchers used computer software to tweak the colour in photos of Caucasian faces, and they found that upping […]
*I Came To Say Goodbye*

*I Came To Say Goodbye*

I Came To Say Goodbye, By Caroline Overington, Bantam Australia, $32.95. The reality of the often hidden child welfare system is revealed by this powerful story of a broken family in an Australian country town. The themes in this brilliant book are played out on news bulletins across Australia every week. A young woman in […]
Holly Kerr Forysth in the Book Club hot seat

Holly Kerr Forysth in the Book Club hot seat

Holly Kerr Forysth is a writer, photographer and passionate gardener. She takes time out of her busy schedule to share her favourite books in Book Club. What was the last book you read? I try not to read too much fiction, as intriguing, involving fiction can prevent me reading research [non-fiction] material. I have just […]
*Started Early, Took My Dog*

*Started Early, Took My Dog*

STARTED EARLY, TOOK MY DOG, KATE ATKINSON, DOUBLEDAY, $32.95. Tracy Waterhouse retired from the West Yorkshire police force with a shell so thick there was scarcely anything left inside. Now over 50 and doing the rounds as security chief of her shopping centre, she spots prostitute and druggie Kelly Cross cruelly dragging a little girl. […]