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Half an hour of magic in the garden

Spending a half an hour working in the garden can be magic. It will relax you, tone your muscles, help make you happy, provide vitamin D from the sunlight — and you may even create something wonderful, just in half an hour. (This doesn’t count the time spent in the garden centre. Garden centres can […]
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Courteney ‘too shy’ to try dating again

She plays a strong, confident woman on screen but Hollywood favourite Courteney Cox has spoken of her nervousness when it comes to dating. The Cougar Town star, who is currently separated from her husband of 10 years, David Arquette, and has told Hello! magazine she “might be too shy” to go back to dating. In […]
Scott Garfield/Screen Gems
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How Gwyneth lost 10kg after latest role

Gwyneth Paltrow’s personal trainer has been speaking about how the actress lost 10kg after her latest film role. The perennially slim 38-year-old actress apparently had to put on the weight to play an alcoholic singer in Country Strong. In pictures: low fat and delicious meals Trainer Tracy Anderson, who has worked with the US star […]
The Weekly wins magazine of the year
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The Weekly wins magazine of the year

I am thrilled to announce that The Australian Women’s Weekly has won Magazine of the Year Awards!!! Against tough competition Better Homes and Gardens and Vogue, The Weekly came out on top. We also walked away with the crown in the Mass Women’s category. Thanks to you all for your continued support and keep your […]
Rocking the red
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Rocking the red

If your make up routine is in need of a summer overhaul, a red lipstick could be just what you need. With one simple swipe of colour your whole look can be brightened and updated. Don’t be afraid to try wearing a ruby hue next time you head for a night out with the girls, […]
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Denise Richards fears for her daughters

An insider has told how Denise Richards’ two daughters “are still very much in the dark” about their father Charlie Sheen’s latest run-in with the law. In pictures: Most expensive divorces In pictures: Men who strayed Last week Sheen was found in the company of an adult film star in a trashed hotel suite, naked […]
Processed meat, chips and soft drinks linked to ADHD

Processed meat, chips and soft drinks linked to ADHD

Around one in 20 children experience ADHD. Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, generally known as ADHD, is the most commonly diagnosed mental health disorder in children. Children with ADHD can show symptoms such as inattention, impulsive behaviour and hyperactivity. Although the condition is often detected in children, ADHD often persists through to adolescence and into adulthood. […]
Gotta go? Get more D

Gotta go? Get more D

According to a study published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, vitamin D doesn’t just protect bones. Higher levels of vitamin D are also linked to a lower risk of pelvic floor disorders, including urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. The study, which looked at more than 1800 women, found that average vitamin D levels were much […]
*Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life*

*Coco Chanel: The Legend and the Life*

In 30 words or less, tell us what is great about a book you are reading at the moment. The best critique will be printed in the January issue of The Weekly and the writer will win The AWW Cooking School cookbook, valued at $74.95. COCO CHANEL: THE LEGEND AND THE LIFEBy Justine Picardie, Harper […]