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Goldie Hawn and Kate Hudson
Celebrity News

Goldie Hawn’s ex sells tell-all memoir

Goldie Hawn’s former husband is looking to cash in on his relationship with the movie star by selling a book about their relationship. Bill Hudson, father to movie star Kate Hudson, is shopping around a tell-all memoir under the title So You Are a Star, the New York Post has reported. In pictures: messy celeb […]

How to give your teenage daughter a positive body image

With society’s idealised image of beauty a painfully thin size zero, it has never been more important to ensure that your teenage daughter has a healthy body image and does not lean toward self-harm as she aspires to conform. Award-winning educator Dannielle Miller, CEO of Enlighten Education, asks, “What conversations aren’t we having with our […]

Beauty tips for achieving physical balance

The secret to overall wellness and beauty is down to achieving homeostasis, a balance of alkalis and acids in the body. Monique Bolland, owner of Sydney’s Alkaline Spa and Clinic reveals to Anna Warwick all you need to know to glow inside and out. The magic of pH balance For optimum health our bodies need […]
Review: The King’s Speech
Celebrity News

Review: The King’s Speech

They say that people fear public speaking more than death, or in the case of The King’s Speech, more than ascending the throne. And it is two men’s journey to overcome it that is the basis of this very powerful movie. Colin Firth plays Prince Albert, the Duke of York, who has a stammer. The […]
Gotta go? Get some rye

Gotta go? Get some rye

We all know that eating fibre helps to keep bowel habits regular, so it comes as a surprise to learn that up to 27 percent of the population of Western countries regularly experience constipation. Apart from being uncomfortable, chronic constipation predisposes you to colon cancer, possibly because, if the stools remain in the intestine for […]
Multitasking must-have

Multitasking must-have

You already know that certain vitamins and minerals — notably the B-group and magnesium — help to support brain health and mood. Now a study by researchers from Northumbria University in England, published in Human Psychopharmacology, has found that taking a multivitamin supplement is also of specific benefit to the mental performance of women who […]
Secret weapon against cancer

Secret weapon against cancer

When it comes to nutrients for cancer protection, the antioxidant vitamins A, C, and E get most of the press. Now a very large study from the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre of over 20,000 people, published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers and Prevention, suggests that a less well-known mineral, selenium, is also strongly associated with […]

True resolutions: power charge your dreams for 2011

Conscious evolution healer and author Dana Mrkich talks to Anna Warwick on using intuition to make some very powerful new year resolutions. Checking in with ourselves “The start of a new year is a perfect time to take stock of our lives,” says Dana. “Too often we find ourselves at the end of yet another […]
Where do you keep your vitamins?

Where do you keep your vitamins?

If you answered in the bathroom cabinet or on top of the fridge, then you are probably compromising their nutritional value. According to a study from Purdue University, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, high humidity (which is certainly a common feature in bathrooms, but can also occur in “hot spots” in […]

*For The Love Of Nature: E. E. Gostelow’s Birds & Flowers*

FOR THE LOVE OF NATURE: E. E. GOSTELOW’S BIRDS & FLOWERS BY CHRISTOBEL MATTINGLEY, NATIONAL LIBRARY OF AUSTRALIA, $29.95. An unexpected gem of a book, not just for the delicate colour plates of Australian wildflowers and birds, but for the story of the man who painted them. Born in 1866, Ebenezer Edward Gostelow was a […]