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Review: Rabbit Hole
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Review: Rabbit Hole

There are not many actresses that polarise Australian audiences the way Nicole Kidman does. But there is little doubt that in Rabbit Hole (of which she is also producer) Nicole puts in a career-best performance and deserves her Academy Award nomination. Based on David Lindsay-Abaire’s Pulitzer Prize-winning play, Rabbit Hole is about a couple who […]
Anna Bligh: the calm after the storm
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Anna Bligh: the calm after the storm

The recent months have been a huge challenge for Anna Bligh. As she faces the daunting task of dealing with the devastation in Queensland, Jordan Baker reveals the premier’s personal that side so few of us know. It’s the Saturday after Cyclone Yasi hit North Queensland and residents of Ingham have had no power or […]
Shane Warne: celebrity playboy
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Shane Warne: celebrity playboy

Once a brilliant Test cricket star, Shane Warne is now making millions by turning his controversial private life into a public spectacle, writes Sue Smethurst. On Australia Day morning, Shane Warne rolled out of bed and did what any self-respecting international playboy would do. Ciggie in hand, he grabbed his phone and tweeted to his […]
Katie Holmes and the Kennedys
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Katie Holmes and the Kennedys

Fifty years after the Kennedy presidency, the family who had it all is still making headlines. Sharon Krum reports on the efforts to ban a new Kennedy TV mini-series that has been branded “sex-soaked bunkum”. The news footage is 50 years old, but it still has the power to move us. Those grainy images of […]
Bullies and bullied more likely to consider suicide by age 11
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The stars who beat bullying

The school bullies of today can have devastating effects on victims now and in adulthood. Bryce Corbett looks at why bullying is on the rise, the advent of cyber bullying and why all parents have a responsibility to stamp out the perpetrators. The new school year is well and truly underway. Kids all over the […]
Beckhams invited to royal wedding

Beckhams invited to royal wedding

David and Victoria Beckham have been invited to Prince William and Kate Middleton’s wedding. The football player and the former Spice Girls singer are reportedly thrilled to receive an invitation to the April 29 nuptials, which will take place in London’s Westminster Abbey. David met William and his younger brother Prince Harry last August at […]
Bye bye epidural, hello hypnosis?

Bye bye epidural, hello hypnosis?

More than 800 British women have volunteered to hypnotise themselves during childbirth to see if they can go without painkillers for a new medical trial. Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) has launched an 18-month study into “hypnobirthing” to assess whether women can give birth without the use of epidurals and other drugs, the UK’s Daily […]
Perfect boiled eggs every time

Perfect boiled eggs every time

Question: I have tried numerous different ways to boil eggs, but each time the yolk is either too hard or the white is undercooked, and it is not until you cut open the egg that you know! Please can you tell me how I should boil eggs to achieve a nice runny yolk to dip […]
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Say no to soft drinks

You already know that too many soft drinks are bad for your teeth and your waistline, but now a study published in the Journal of Hepatology has also linked them to liver damage, specifically non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which may in turn lead to insulin resistance, diabetes, heart disease, and even liver cancer. In […]