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Body sculpt: Best workout for your body type

Body sculpt: Best workout for your body type

Which workout will give you the best results in the shortest amount of time? It all depends on your body type. Exercise physiologist and nutritionist Kathleen Alleaume reveals the right fitness level for your body type. There are a number of different body types and you can thank (or blame) your parents for the genetics […]
Fall Girl

Fall Girl

Fall Girl by Toni Jordan, Text Publishing, $32.95 A favourite passage from this light, bright romantic comedy has Ruby, the matriarch in a family of genteel con-artists, list some “wonderful ideas” for stings. A cream that melts away cellulite. Tablets that fill in wrinkles from the inside. Daily doses of Siberian plant juice to stop […]
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Sunset Park

Sunset Park by Paul Auster, Faber Fiction, $32.99 I’ve been hooked on Paul Auster for more than 20 years now, since his first novel, the mysterious and haunting New York Trilogy. He writes with simple elegance about complex ideas though his favourite subject, the one he keeps returning to, is the role of chance in […]


Preincarnateby Shaun Micallef, Hardie Grant, $29.95 He’s a funny man, is Shaun Micallef. And I mean that in the best way. His first novel turns out to be exceedingly funny too (in ways both ha-ha and odd) jumbling time travel and a murder mystery in with space ships, Tom Cruise and the Loch Ness monster. […]
One Man Show: The Stages of Barry Humphries

One Man Show: The Stages of Barry Humphries

One Man Show: The Stages of Barry Humphries by Anne Pender, ABC Books, $35 Get your gladdies and wave them Possums, its time to celebrate the life of Edna Everage and the wild genius of her “manager” Barry Humphries. Intellectual, witty, and flamboyant, Humphries stood out in suburban mid-century Melbourne. At his sport loving private […]


Sisterby Rosamund Lupton, Piatkus Fiction, $32.99 Beatrice thinks of herself as the successful reliable older sister of warm but flaky art student Tess. But when Tess dies and police rush to decide it’s a suicide, Beatrice reevaluates everything about herself and those close to her. What makes this book special is the way the reader […]
The Secret Lives of Dresses

The Secret Lives of Dresses

The Secret Lives of Dresses by Erin McKean, H & S Fiction, $29.99 From the love, personal growth, and fashion genre, comes “The Secret Lives of Dresses”. Dora is in danger of becoming a professional student, but she’s more enamoured of her hapless boss at the campus coffee shop than she is of her studies. […]
Red Wolf

Red Wolf

Red Wolf by Lisa Marklund, Bantam Press (Random House, Emma Caddy) $32.95 Annika Bengtzon may be a wife, and the mother of two small children, but she’s also one of the most courageous and determined investigative reporters in Sweden. Still suffering psychologically from her last run-in with a psychopath, Bengtzon takes a break from crime […]
Ruby Rose on how she beat bullying

Ruby Rose on how she beat bullying

One in four Australian students will be bullied at school this year. Bryce Corbett talks to TV presenter Ruby Rose about how she overcame the bullies who made her school days hell. Ruby Rose: “It only really started when I got to high school. I was never really one of those kids who blended in. […]
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Celebrity News

Sandra Bullock sparkles one year after split

If her performance at yesterday’s Oscars is any indication, Sandra Bullock has emerged triumphant from the turmoil of the past year. Within days of winning the 2010 Academy Award for Best Actress for her performance inThe Blind Side, stories emerged of her husband Jesse James cheating on her with a string of women, resulting in […]