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Don't wear white: Royal wedding rule book released

Don’t wear white: Royal wedding rules released

Don’t wear white, don’t touch the queen, don’t be late and don’t forget to switch your mobile phone off, royal wedding guests have been warned. Clarence House has confirmed a 22-page rulebook has been sent to each of the 1900 people invited to the April 29 nuptials of Prince William and Kate Middleton. In pictures: […]
Magda Szubanski: Fabulous at 50
Celebrity News

Behind-the-scenes at Magda Szubanski’s cover shoot

It’s another beach-perfect Sydney afternoon and Magda is under studio lights in full make-up, freshly whooshed hair and a slinky red dress she feels so good in she’s decided to take it home. She’s busting her best dance moves to Michael Jackson and the general consensus all round is the girl’s on fire as The […]
Don't wear white: Royal wedding rule book released

William and Kate will share home with Harry

Most newlyweds can’t keep their hands off each other, but when Prince William and Kate Middleton marry will have to behave themselves. They will reportedly spend the first few months of married life sharing a home with Prince Harry. The young couple are due to wed at London’s Westminster Abbey on April 29, in a […]
Is white bread dying out?

Is white bread dying out?

Two decades ago, the only people eating brown bread were health food fanatics and New Yorkers. But a new report has found that health-conscious Australians are increasingly choosing wholegrain varieties, steadily eroding the popularity of white bread. In pictures: Your favourite recipes Sales of wholegrain and nutrient-enriched bread are growing by 10 to 15 percent […]
Escape from hormone hell

Escape from hormone hell

Ever since hormone-replacement therapies were linked to a slightly increased risk of cancer, many women are turning to natural supplements to ease annoying menopausal afflictions. Try these drug-free remedies for relief. Get a phyto fix Phytoestrogens are compounds with mild oestrogen-like effects that have been shown to offer relief for hot flushes and vaginal dryness. […]
Epidural blunder hospital refusing to release report

Epidural blunder hospital refusing to release report

St George Hospital is refusing to release any details of an epidural blunder that left a young mother crippled, fuelling concerns that the public health system is not being held accountable for its mistakes. Grace Wang, 32, suffered massive damage to her nervous system, leaving her in a wheelchair and unable to hold her newborn […]
Omega-3s, for your eyes' sake

Omega-3s, for your eyes’ sake

Is there anything omega-3s can’t do? These anti-inflammatory fatty acids, found in cold-water fish (such as salmon, tuna, herring and mackerel, and also in some other seafood), have already been shown to exert a protective effect against heart disease, depression, diabetes and arthritis. In pictures: Ten hot tips to stay young Researchers from the Johns […]
Even more reasons to meditate

Even more reasons to meditate

You already know that taking time out to practise meditation helps to still your thoughts and leaves you feeling physically and mentally calmer. Now it seems that squeezing just 30 minutes of timeout into your busy daily schedule may also reduce your odds of developing dementia and possibly prevent mental health disorders such as depression. […]
Rick Stein on vegemite, family and cooking
Celebrity News

Rick Stein on vegemite, family and cooking

Rick Stein might be one of the world’s most famous chefs, but when his children were younger, they far preferred fast food to his cooking. Rick has three sons, Edward, 30, Jack, 28, and Charles, 23, with his first wife Jill, and says he was incredibly “hurt” when his boys asked for a trip to […]
Scientists growing human hearts in lab

Scientists growing human hearts in lab

Researchers are growing human hearts in test tubes with hopes of ending long waiting lists for transplants. Scientists at the University of Minnesota in the US created the organs by “stripping” cells from the hearts of deceased people, leaving behind a tough protein skeleton, known as a ‘ghost heart’. They then coated eight ‘ghost hearts’ […]