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Our family was marooned on a tiny island for five months
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Our family was marooned for five months

When a Perth family set out on a two-year round-the-world trip on a catamaran, they didn’t count on being shipwrecked on a remote island in the Pacific. Sue Williams recounts their adventures. Lashed by nine-metre waves and brutal winds in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, Jennifer Barrie and her husband, Andrew, fought desperately to […]
Should I seek a second opinion?
Celebrity News

Should I seek a second opinion?

Trust what the doctor says, we are told, so when is it okay to get a second, third or even fourth opinion? Professor Kerryn Phelps explains. The question of second opinions comes up all the time in medical practice. The type you may be most familiar with are the referrals to specialists in a particular […]
Men of the moment
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Men of the moment

They’re smart and sexy, with talent in spades. The Weekly talks to some of our favourite Aussie blokes about what they value most and the women they love. Andrew Rochford, 7pm Project panellist, doctor, 31 Who is the woman you most admire? My wife. She’s really quite inspiring. She’s capable, she’s ambitious, she’s got a […]
Tara Brown: Baby bliss at 43
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Tara Brown: Baby bliss at 43

Tara Brown says she is a lucky woman. Not only has she created a stellar career as one of TV’s most successful reporters, but she’s managed to keep the best part until last — becoming a mother again in her 40s. As a 60 Minutes reporter, Tara Brown has faced illness, fatigue and all manner […]
Why the size of your plate is making you fat
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Why the size of your plate is making you fat

Twenty years ago, Kit Kats were sold in two-piece packs weighing 20g, today a Kit Kat weighs 78g. Welcome to our supersize world. The result: we’re also supersizing ourselves. Fancy a biscuit? And how about a coffee to go with it? Twenty years ago, that would have meant a biscuit you could have fitted whole […]
Greg Combet
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The truth about the Greg Combet shoot

There were many men in the running to be one of Australia’s Men of the Moment, as judged by the Women’s Weekly: Malcolm Turnbull, with his leather jacket bad-boy look; Tony Abbott, the ironman; Rob Oakeshott, the rugged country lad. But the Weekly likes to be at the cutting edge, so we did a straw […]
Angelina Jolie's Cambodian connection
Celebrity News

Angelina Jolie’s Cambodian connection

When Angelina Jolie adopted an abandoned boy in Cambodia, no one realised she would go on to pour millions of dollars into his homeland and make a lasting difference to some of the world’s poorest people. As the town of Samlout in north-western Cambodia comes into view, naked children and crumbling shacks give way to […]
Angelina Jolie's adoption guru on rehoming 10,000 kids
Celebrity News

Angelina Jolie’s adoption guru on rehoming 10,000 kids

Dr Jane Aronson is a world authority on adoption. She has overseen the placement of thousands of children, including to celebrities Angelina Jolie and Mary-Louise Parker. Angelina credits her with saving her daughter Zahara’s life: “My daughter is one of those children whom Jane helped have a chance to live, and I am forever grateful.” […]
An adoption success story

An adoption success story

One mother recalls the overwhelming joy of successfully adopting a baby girl. It was the call I’d been waiting years to receive. “You have a daughter, she’s 11 months old and her name is Hai Yan,” the adoption caseworker said. I recorded the few available details — weight, height, number of teeth (four) — and […]