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Natalie Wood's sister speaks out
Celebrity News

Natalie Wood’s sister speaks out

Lana Wood’s most memorable role might be the sexy Bond girl Plenty O’Toole from Diamonds Are Forever, but she’s aware the most significant part she’s played has been fighting for the truth about the tragic drowning of her sister, Natalie Wood. “For the past 30 years, it’s eaten at my soul, not knowing what happened […]
The teens mums who refuse to become another statistic
Celebrity News

The teen mums who are fighting for a better life

These teenage mums were once the girls that society shunned. Now, they are taking control of their lives and forging a new future, writes Michael Sheather. Bethany Zasi was just 15 when she found out she was pregnant. She was just a day older when her boyfriend denied the child was his and said goodbye. […]
Is your boss a psychopath?
Celebrity News

Do you know a psychopath?

An estimated one in 100 men is a psychopath — remorseless, heartless and destructive. They can be our bosses, husbands or neighbours and often we don’t realise until the damage has been done. When Walter Marsh applied for a nursing job in Sydney, his résumé was so impressive — a career in the US Marines, […]
Deborah Hutton: Why I posed naked at 50
Celebrity News

Deborah Hutton: Why I posed nude at 50

At 50 years old, Deborah Hutton decided to pose naked for the cover of Australia’s most popular magazine. Here, she explains why she decided to strip off. I can’t escape the fact I’m getting older, but it doesn’t make me sad, not at all. It’s a gradual process of gravity taking over, there’s nothing you […]
The rise of the man-boob job
Celebrity News

The rise of the man-boob job

First, it was moisturiser, then it was “manscaping”. Now, as Bryce Corbett reports, Australian men are being Botoxed and undergoing cosmetic surgery in greater numbers than ever before. Ladies, take a long hard look at your man. Is he starting to fray a little around the edges? Has the toned physique you married all those […]
Busting five nutrition myths

Five nutrition myths busted

One of the biggest dilemmas for dieters is sorting fact from fiction when it comes to nutrition claims. So, get ready to set five of those urban, nutrition myths straight. ‘Lite’ means a product is low in fat Seeing the word “lite” on a product may automatically trigger a response to purchase that product. More […]
Bah humbug! Rich people really ARE less compassionate
Sex & Relationships

Bah humbug! Rich people really ARE less compassionate

Penny-pinching millionaire Ebenezer Scrooge is famous for his mean, miserly behaviour — now new research has suggested that rich people really are less compassionate than their poorer counterparts. A study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, found that poorer people were better at recognising signals of distress in others because they had been […]
What to eat to avoid cancer

What to eat to avoid cancer

Everyone knows healthy eating is important for overall wellbeing, but did you know some foods can reduce your risk of cancer? Here are some foods thought to protect the body from cancer and other serious diseases. Soy foods contain natural plant substances called phytoestrogens, which are thought to have anti-cancer effects. Population groups, such as […]
William, Kate and Harry dress to impress

William, Kate and Harry dress to impress

Prince Harry is more at home in jeans and a t-shirt than a top hat and tails, but he donned a dapper black tuxedo to join his brother Prince William and Kate Middleton on the red carpet at the Sun Military Awards in London last night. Kate looked stunning at the black tie event, wearing […]