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Five ways to lose five kilos

Five ways to lose five kilos

It’s easy to put on that extra 5 kilos, but it’s just as easy to lose them. Small changes are a big help in reaching a healthy weight, without feeling deprived. Have fibre, first up Breakfasting on fibre-dense multigrain toast or wholegrain cereal makes you less likely to feel empty by mid-morning. In pictures: Gym […]
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Sex & Relationships

Finding balance in the bedroom

You and your partner love each other and want to have sex. But what if you’re on different pages when it comes to when and how often? Libido. It’s a fickle thing. If we believe everything we read, men do nothing but think about sex while women use headaches and hair-washing to get out of […]
Double dates the secret to a happy marriage
Sex & Relationships

Are double dates the secret to a happy marriage?

Want to know the secret to Beyoncé and Gwyneth’s happy marriages? Apparently the answer is as simple as double dating. Beyonce and her husband Jay-Z regularly spend time with Gwyneth and her husband Chris Martin — and a new study suggests their marriages are happier as a result. Psychologists from the University of Maryland surveyed […]
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Sex & Relationships

Five tips for getting over a break-up

Breaking up is hard to do: Pamela Allardice shares five ideas for getting through the dark times and finding a way forward. 1. Let it out Disappointment and anger will fester if you keep them cooped up. Go for a run, chop wood, learn boxing, scream, or kick a cardboard box to pieces. These emotions […]
Do children really make us happy?
Celebrity News

Do children really make us happy?

From TV brats to natural born serial killers, prospective parents have been given stark warnings about the dark side of child-rearing. So, asks Bettina Arndt, are the naysayers about parenthood right? It’s a mesmerising image. The gaunt mother stands stock still surrounded by road workers, clutching her baby pram right next to the booming rat-a-tat-tat […]
How to keep your kids safe online
Celebrity News

What every parent needs to know about online safety

The internet can be a dangerous place for children — here’s how you can make it safer. Julia was a trusting girl. She trusted her school friend when she suggested that they make a video together after school. Julia trusted that it was like a game. And Julia trusted that, when asked to wear garish […]
Princess Mary’s royal milestones

Princess Mary’s royal milestones

Princess Mary will celebrate her 40th birthday on February 5 – and what a life she has had so far. When Mary met Denmark’s Crown Prince Frederik in a Sydney bar in 2000, she was a pretty but otherwise unremarkable commoner. Twelve years later Mary is a bona-fide princess with four beautiful children and a […]