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Home birth v hospital birth

Home birth v hospital birth

In the wake of the tragic death of home birth advocate Caroline Lovell, a mother of eight home-born babies and one who chose to have a caesarean section discuss their birth experiences. The case for hospital births Emma Macdonald, journalist and mother of two, who elected to have a caesarean for her second birth. The […]
Women suspicious of nice husbands
Sex & Relationships

Women suspicious of nice husbands

Men often complain of feeling like they can’t do anything right in the eyes of their spouse — and a new study suggests they’re correct. A UK survey has found that more than two-thirds of women would suspect an affair if their husband was “too nice” to them. The poll of over 2000 women found […]
Thirteen unusual uses for lemons

Thirteen unusual and amazing uses for lemons

Who would have thought that this humble fruit bowl staple was actually a versatile medicine in disguise? The potential uses for lemons reach far beyond home remedies, too — there’s even scientific evidence that they reduce the risk of cancer and heart attacks. Related: What to eat to avoid cancer Here are more reasons to […]
Why you should give booze a break

Why you should give booze a break

The silly season is well and truly over, but many of us are struggling to reduce our holiday alcohol consumption. Enter Febfast, which is challenging Australians to give up booze for the month of February to raise money for young people struggling with substance abuse problems. Related: Support Helen’s Febfast campaign The Weekly’s editor-in-chief Helen […]
Eat to beat Alzheimer's disease

Eat to beat Alzheimer’s disease

Alzheimer’s disease is shrouded in mystery but a new study has shed some light on one of its possible causes — a high-fat diet. The research — conducted by the Veterans Affairs Health Care System in Seattle and published in Archives of Neurology — found that people who ate low-fat diets high in fruit and […]
Home birth death stirs up mixed emotions

Home birth death stirs up mixed emotions

Home birth hit the headlines worldwide this week when advocate Caroline Lovell died after delivering her baby daughter at home. Caroline, 36, is believed to have suffered a cardiac arrest shortly after giving birth to baby Zahra on Monday, January 23. She was already “critically ill” by the time paramedics arrived at her north Melbourne […]
Regular arguing KEEPS couples together
Sex & Relationships

Could regular arguing keep couples together?

Arguing once a week is the secret to a happy relationship, a new study has found. An survey of married couples in India concluded that regular arguments made relationships stronger and happier, provided the fights didn’t become abusive. The research — conducted by relationship site Shaadi.com and market research agency IMRB — said people reported […]
It's official: Women are better parkers than men
Sex & Relationships

It’s official: Women are better parkers than men

Asked to list the things men do better than women, most Australians males would put parking right up next to map-reading and not getting over-emotional in an argument — but they’d be wrong. A new study has found that women outperform men in nearly all aspects of car parking, making them better overall. Researchers studied […]