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Watch when you eat: Why late lunches are making you fat

Watch when you eat: Why late lunches are making you fat

Trying to lose weight? It’s all well and good to watch what you eat, but a new study has shown that keeping an eye on the clock is just important as counting those calories. Researchers found that people who eat their main meal earlier in the day have a better chance of shedding weight than […]
Meet the real Rhonda: How Ketut changed her life
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Meet the real Rhonda: How Ketut changed her life

You know her as Rhonda from those car insurance ads, but there are plenty more reasons why actress Mandy McElhinney is hotter than a sunrise right now. Every so often, a series of TV commercials comes along and everyone can recite the lines. Here’s a couple from Australia’s current favourite: You look hot today, Rhonda […]
My little boy is a model - and he has Down syndrome
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My little boy is a model – and he has Down syndrome

Julius is like any three-year-old, energetic and curious. He is also a child model, which his mum, Catia Malaquias, hopes will challenge the negative stereotypes that come with his Down syndrome. “Julius is going to be a model for eeni meeni miini moh, a children’s fashion brand, and the photo shoot is in Brisbane,” I […]
My secret eating disorder
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My secret eating disorder

Two million Australians are currently battling eating disorders. Here, personal trainer Lucy Birss opens up about her secret battle with anorexia and bulimia for the first time. It started when I was 14 and a bit overweight ;— a size 12 or 14. At my heaviest, when I was 13, I was 82.5kg. I’m now […]
Helen Kapalos on divorce, TV and taking on Tracy
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Helen Kapalos on divorce, TV and taking on Tracy

She’s 41, single and breaking new ground. Today Tonight host Helen Kapalos talks to Michael Sheather about divorce, TV and taking on Tracy. Helen Kapalos fell in love with her childhood sweetheart when she was just 18. They dated for nearly six years before they married when she was 23 and still studying at university. […]
How Deborah Hutton and Rebecca Gibney keep mentally and physically fit
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Deborah Hutton and Rebecca Gibney: How we keep mentally fit

Most people think that looking after your health means eating well and getting a little exercise. Yet many medical experts now believe that looking after the mind is just as vital as taking care of the body. In fact, as actress Rebecca Gibney and TV personality Deborah Hutton tell Michael Sheather, taking care of your […]
Exclusive: Mum speaks on bridge baby tragedy
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Exclusive: Mum speaks on bridge baby tragedy

Elijah Rainbow was not yet seven months old when he fell to his death from a footbridge over Brisbane’s Logan River last June, the fourth child in as many years to die in such circumstances. Elijah’s father, David Fisher, has since been charged with murder. His mother, Lauren Fisher has taken her grief onto the […]