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Menstrual cramps

Combine four drops of clary sage oil with two teaspoons of a carrier oil, such as almond, and use to massage the lower abdomen, directly above the pubic hair...

Morning sickness

Drink raspberry leaf tea, or simmer a few slices of peeled fresh ginger root and a 7.5mm stick of cinnamon in 150ml water, add honey and lemon, and...

Mouth ulcers

Make this mouthwash, then gargle with it as often as necessary. Place two tablespoons of dried sage in a teapot, pour over 250mls boiling water. Steep for 15 minutes, then strain. Add three drops of...

Muscle pain

Heat 200g of sea salt in a heavy pan. Funnel into a clean, cotton sock. (Don't overfill - you want to leave it pliable, like a beanbag.) Pin the end. Apply to the painful area for approximately 30...

Hands, cracked and dry

Soothe sore hands with a mixture of cold cooked mashed potato and olive oil. Simply massage into your skin, leave for 10 minutes, and rinse off.


Add two cups of Epsom salts to a tub of warm water. Soak for 20 minutes. Epsom salts contain magnesium, an excellent muscle relaxant and sedative for the nervous system. Drink passionflower tea 45 minutes before bed. Pour one cup of boiling water over one teaspoon of dried passionflower. Cover and let steep for 15 […]


Placing a block of camphor under the mattress sometimes helps prevent night cramps. Make a massage oil by combining six drops each of clove and rosemary oil with 30ml plain vegetable oil, shake well, and use to massage the length of the muscle when a cramp starts.


The next time you need an antibacterial ointment for a cut or wound, apply unprocessed (unheated and unaltered) honey. It contains a natural antibiotic that has proved effective against organisms that cause infections.


Cut up one onion and three cloves of garlic. Place in a bowl and cover with honey, then leave for three hours. Strain. Sip a teaspoonful of the resulting syrup throughout the day.


Add one bunch of parsley to 500ml of water. Bring water to the boil in a covered pan, turn off heat, and cool. Parsley is a natural diuretic and helps to flush out the micro-organisms that cause the infection. After every visit to the toilet, soak a clear cottonwool pad in water to which you’ve […]