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Make your favourites

Bookmark popular Internet sites while you are looking at them - this will make them easy to retrieve and visit at a later date. Using Microsoft Internet Explorer, choose Favorites, then Add to...
Celebrity News

Computer cover

If your PC is positioned near a window and the light is interfering with your computer screen, either invest in an anti-glare cover for your screen or find something you can put over the window...
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Signing off

When you're finished on the Internet, make sure you disconnect properly to prevent being charged for time you weren't expecting. To be extra sure, always turn your modem off when it's not being...
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Mouse hygiene

If your mouse cursor starts jumping around the screen and not behaving properly, it probably needs a clean. Turn the mouse over and take off the small back cover (it probably twists off) to find a...
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Photo library

If you have a scanner, keep an electronic photo library which can be sent to relatives who also have computers. Scan in photos and keep relevant groups together in their own...
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Space saver

Computer, printer, scanner, keyboard, mouse, modem, in-tray - running out of space on your desk? Think about buying a stand for your printer that elevates it and allows you to put things...
Simple storage

Simple storage

Toys with many small parts can be kept in transparent hosiery wash bags, which cost a few dollars in supermarkets. Children can see what’s inside without having to tip all the parts out onto the floor.
Ballpoint pen

Ballpoint pen

To disguise ballpoint pen scribbles on wallpaper, use correction fluid. Lightly tint it with a colour from a child’s paint set that matches the wallpaper, and the marks will be practically invisible.


To entertain children indoors, put a tennis ball inside an old stocking, hang it from a hook in the ceiling and give them room to hit the ball with tennis racquets. They’ll have fun for hours. And for a night-light that won’t keep your toddler awake, try using a 25-watt blue globe in the overhead […]