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Bridget Jones, patron saint of the broken hearted.

This is what happens to your brain after a break-up

If you’ve ever been dumped and found yourself trawling through your former lover’s Facebook feed with ruthless precision (while simultaneously crying, eating a tub of Ben & Jerry’s and defiantly scream-singing to  Destiny Child’s Survivor), find comfort in the fact that you’re not alone. In fact, evidence suggests that after a break-up your brain is […]
woman's pregnant stomach, getty images

Two women give birth with wombs donated by their mothers

The women, aged 29 and 34, were among nine women to have womb transplants – seven of which have succeeded. Their babies, which were delivered by caesarean section, were grown in the same womb that they were decades earlier. The medical breakthrough, which was part of a trial at Gothenburg University in Sweden, gives hope […]
Twitter allows users to easily report harassment
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Twitter makes reporting harassment easier

Social media giant Twitter has introduced an easier way for users to report abuse and harassment on the site. Twitter users can now block and file a report, identify problems and choose from a list of issues (impersonation, private information, harassment, self-harm or suicide). They can also report the degree of harassment. Starting today we’re […]