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The internet is losing its mind again over which nail polish matches the shoe!

Just as we got over the battle of #DressGate and whether you were team blue/black or white/gold – the internet is presented with a brand new debacle: What colour matches which pair of shoes best?
Nail polish and shoe matching drama

Seemingly innocent Twitter user @totallymendes threw out to the universe and Twittersphere a simple request, asking her followers on Wednesday evening. “Which colour [of nail polish] matches the shoes the best?”

Well, get ready… because we sense the world is about to be divided.

The culprit that has us all puzzled.

The photo, featured above, gives us two options – one pink and one purple – over a pair of pointed heels that are an ambiguous combination of pink AND purple.

One Twitter user, @Catesish, knew the mania was just beginning, swiftly tweeting, “Oh god. Not again,” while @Spoonsivan wrote, “NOT THE DRESS PLS NOT THE DRESS.”

Of course the internet and the world have gone crazy over it. The original tweet has received over 6,900 favourites and has been retweeted 5,700 times.

DressGate divided opinion everywhere!

Dubbing it #TheShoe, @totallymendes seems shocked by her simple question blowing up, and it looks like she just may have wished she asked a friend, tweeting, “People know this account now omg these stupid F***** shoes I paid $65 for you to ruin my life really.”

To put things in perspective, the host of National Geographic’s television show Brain Games, Jason Silva, told TIME magazine during the saga of #DressGate: “The largest takeaway,” he explained, “is that colour exists in your brain. It’s not an objective feature of reality.”

In the words of Miley Cyrus, “I never meant to start a war…” But you just may have Twitter user @totallymendes.

But more importantly, what colour will you choose?

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