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Time warp! Your favourite Hollywood stars’ year book pictures

Before the fame, fortune and awards, celebrities were just like us, running through the halls of high school trying not to be late for English class again.
From Brad Pitt to Madonna, take a look at celebrities year book pictures!

We dug deep to find out what our favourite celebrities looked like in their year book pictures and some of them may shock you!

From the queen of music, Madonna, to the ultimate girl next door, Emma Stone, celebrities are people too and just like everyone else they also had to face the trials and tribulations of high school.

Although it’s difficult to imagine Angelina Jolie waiting in line at the cafeteria, or Matt Damon passing notes in maths class, as sure as your homework was hard we can guarantee these A-listers were once just like us, and here’s the adorable proof.

Click through to take a look at the greatest celebrity year book photos

Meryl Streep’s cheerleader days might be behind her, but she’s still got her looks.

Robin Wright, AKA Princess Buttercup, was once a regular bonafine beauty queen.

Miss Congeniality, is that you? Sandra Bullock wasn’t always so sleek and chic – and we’ve got the pictures to prove it.

Aw, before she found fame as a big-time actress, Jennifer Lawrence rocked the middle part tendrils just like us!

Like fine wine! Channing Tatum just got better with age.

First lady flicks! Michelle Obama definitely rocked the Farrah Fawcett look back in the day.

Amanda Seyfried began modelling at age 11 and we can see why! The blonde bombshell has nothing to be embarrassed about in this enviable year book snap, just like her Mean Girls character, we bet Amanda sat with “The Plastics” too.

Nowadays Angelina Jolie is one of the world’s most enviable stars. It wasn’t always like that though, Angelina looks full of teen angst in her Beverly Hills High School photo.

Brad Pitt is famous for his talent, good looks and boyish charm and it seems he had that in spades even in his year book photo. Heartbreaker alert.

He still had it. George Clooney was definitely a heartbreaker in high school.

Even the incomparable Emma Stone had an awkward phase. It’s okay though Emma, we too are still trying to wipe off our thick nineties eye-liner.

Beyonce rocked a side part and clips when she was still Destiny’s Child.

Gwen Stefani might be the queen of cool now, but there was once a time where she went B-A-N-A–N-A-S for that blunt bob.

Lea Michele was 23 when she began playing her high school aged character Rachel Berry, but we think little Lea was cute as a button – even with a harsh middle part.

We wonder if brown-haired and sensible-looking Madonna Louise Ciccone knew that one day she’d be so famous she would only go by her first name.

Matt Damon may be a bonafide heartthrob now but… oh no, wait, looks like even at high school he was breaking hearts and playing the field.

Natalie Portman is a timeless beauty and her year book picture proves it! Even as a teenager her eyebrow game was on point.

Funnygirl Anna Kendrick kept her sweet looks past high school.

Now that’s a celebrity transformation! After ditching the weird facial hair and bowl cut, Chris Pine turned out quite nicely.

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