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World’s Saddest Dog finds a home and happiness

And she can't stop smiling!

Things are looking up for little Lana, the dog who was dubbed “The World’s Saddest Dog”.

The picture of Lana that went viral was taken just after she had been rejected by a family for adoption.

Rejected and unresponsive, Lana was too sad to go on walks.

However, she’s now found happiness after finding a new foster home.

“Here she is! Happy as can be!” says a Facebook post that was shared of little Lana.

“Lana has finally come out of her shell and settled in with her new foster mom. This is a photo I snapped of her, yesterday, when I popped by to see how she was doing. It always amazes us to see how well such heartbroken animals can bounce back!”

We couldn’t be happier for the cute little pup!

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