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WHODUNNIT: Rough Ride (Issue 41)

Follow the clues to solve the crime.

Who killed Wally Walton?

Detective Sergeant Abby Sweet could hear the screams even before she walked through the entrance gate.

“I can’t stand theme parks,” she shuddered to Scotty, her senior constable, as she flashed her police ID at the ticket booth of Wacky World.

“Rides too scary for you?” Scotty chuckled.

To his surprise, Abby gulped and nodded, looking up at the Big Dipper roller-coaster as if it was some horrifying monster.

Wacky World had been open to the public for less than a day and the owner, Wally Walton, had been found dead, bashed over the head with the hammer from the Strength Tester game.

“How come there are only three suspects?” Scotty asked, looking around.

The place was packed with harassed looking parents and squealing kids.

“The murder took place early this morning,” Abby said.

“A local radio station ran a competition to allow three lucky listeners the chance to have a guided tour with Wally, followed by first dibs on all the rides before the park opened to the public.”

The murder hadn’t stopped the park from opening as planned.

Instead, the area around the Strength Tester and been roped off, and a couple of large stalls had been erected to shield it from the public view.

The three people in question, all young men, were standing in a huddle inside the roped off area.

Wally Walton, also young and wearing a purple suit, was lying facedown on the ground, the bloody hammer close by.

The first man was the size of a house.

He stepped forward and shook Abby’s hand with sausage-like fingers.

“I’m Kyle Wiseman,” he said, his double chin wobbling. “I hope we can get this matter sorted quickly.”

“Certainly,” Abby said. “I just need to know your movements.”

“Well, we met Wally at the front gate at 7am,” he said.

“He gave us the tour, then told us we could all try one ride before the park opened.

I chose the roller-coaster.

There were no attendants so Wally put me on it then left me to it.

After I got off, I came over here and found him like this.”

Abby’s stomach turned at the thought of the Big Dipper.

Being so tightly locked into the harness, with no way of getting out, and going round and round, and upside down…

She snapped out of it.

“What about you?” she said to the second man, Benny Bland, a slight man with red hair and glasses.

“Ghost train, of course!” he said, excitedly.

“I love a good fright. I arrived back here just as Kyle started to call out for help.”

Abby turned to the third man, who was tall with huge biceps bulging out of a tight T-shirt.

“I’m Floyd McGregor,” he said. “I hung back a bit and messed about on the Strength Tester.

“Got the highest score.”

“Wouldn’t be hard given you’re the first one to have a go,” Kyle huffed.

“Fancy your chances, fat boy?” Floyd laughed.

Then he turned back to Abby.

“Look, I know it looks bad,” he said. “I did pick up the hammer. But after that, I went over to the Ferris wheel.”

“Of all the rides, that’s what you chose?” Scotty snorted.

“I wanted to see the layout of the park,” Floyd replied.

Abby left Scotty in charge of the suspects.

In turn, she visited the Big Dipper roller-coaster, the ghost train and the Ferris wheel. She inspected each ride closely, looking at the mechanisms, the seats and the safety harnesses.

Then she returned to the group, handcuffs dangling by her side.

“One of you is going for another ride,” she said. “This time in my car, to the station.”

Who killed Wally Walton?

a. Kyle

b. Benny

c. Floyd


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