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What happens when two brothers like the same girl

Yes, there is a happy ending.

Two brothers, both keen on the same girl. Only one of them can marry her, so what is the one other supposed to do?

He acts as best man … and then goes into the priesthood.

Adelaide Now reports on the remarkable love story.

Barbra McLennan, now 81, says one of the brothers, Kevin, took her to tea to meet his family.

Kevin’s older brother, Brian, was “sitting there at the table.”

“Not long after I started going out with Brian,” says Barbra, and eventually, in 1955, he asked her to marry him.

Far from being bitter, Kevin agreed to be best man. He later became a priest.

“Kevin remained a great part of our lives — he paid for our children’s education and even built parts of our home,” Barbra says.

Kevin died in 2001. Brian, now 84, is this week celebrating 60 years of married bliss with Barbra, saying that watching his bride enter the chapel was “one of the best days of my life.”

“We weren’t allowed to get married until Barbra was 21, so we got married about a fortnight after her birthday,” he says.

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