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The hilarious Reddit feed all women should read

What did you find out about your wife/husband only after you got married?

There’s nothing quite like venting all your pent-up frustrations and kept-down-deep confessions on a dying-to-be-answered Reddit thread.

And this hilarious thread is dropping so many truthbombs…

The latest stream of thought-dumping comes after a Reddit user, who, strangely, goes by the name of “prettytrump” asked the world wide web the ever-topical question: “What did you find out about your wife/husband only after you got married?”

While there were the kind of submissions written by wives across the world that we could without a doubt resonate with (“He’s very much like a llama – upset him at just the right time and he’ll completely lose his appetite and refuse to eat for a while” strikes a chord), we couldn’t get past the hilariously raw admissions of these forum-loving husbands.

What did you learn about your significant other only after you got married? Tell us by commenting on our Facebook page.

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