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True Confessions Agony Aunt: Sexual harassment at work

Image source: Getty - posed by models

Image source: Getty - posed by models

I think the man fancies me, but I get extra money because of it. I found out because I was speaking to one of the other part time members of staff who’s the same sort of age as me and he treats us the same way.

Sometimes he’ll ask us one of to stay on to stock up the shelves when the shop is closed and he’s cashing up and then he’ll do something like push past me to get to the till and put his hand on my bottom as he’s squeezing past.

Or he’ll come into the big stock cupboard when I’m filling up my trolley and lean past me to get something so he’s sort of leaning his body into mine.

The first time he did it I was quite surprised and jumped back and neither of us said anything, but when I was leaving he said he needed to pay me extra for staying on and gave me another $40.

It’s happened a few times now and although it makes me a bit uncomfortable I think he’s harmless and if I’m totally honest I like the money. I hang around for 20 minutes and this dirty old man leans against me and then pays me $40 or $60.

Last week he went a bit further and tried to put his hand up my top and that bothered me but I need my job.

It seems as if you felt you were in charge so it was alright to take the cash, but now there’s a sense of things getting out of control. Could any amount of money honestly make you feel better if things got dangerously out of control and did his friendship with your parents affect your reaction to his behaviour in any way?

He clearly thinks he can get away with if he’s doing it with other members of staff but why do you think so little of yourself you’ll let someone touch you for money?

If he were a stranger it would be easier to deal with in one way, but you must put an end to this for your own safety and self respect. It would be best if he was stopped from doing this to anyone else but that would probably involve getting him charged with sexual assault. That means letting your parents know what’s been happening and possibly even admitting that you let him touch you because you liked the money.

However, you’re a young girl and this situation is the result of this man overstepping the boundaries, especially since one would normally assume he has added responsibility as your parents’ friend.

Speak to the other girl he treats like this and find out if she would also like help to stop him and then speak to the Australian Human Rights Commission for support and advice or to make a complaint about sexual harassment at work, you can also visit the Reach Out website for more information on sexual harassment in the workplace.

Picture posed by models.

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