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True Confessions Agony Aunt: My teenage daughter won’t get up for work

lazyv teenager

Image: Getty, posed by model

I need advice about my daughter who is 18 years old and won’t get up for work.

She stays in bed all day and doesn’t get up until the late afternoon and then goes out all evening. I’m at my wits end about what to do.

I’ve done pretty well for myself financially and my daughter is meant to work for me, except she always turns up very late and never does the jobs that I’ve asked her to do.

I don’t want to fall out with her but I would like her to take life more seriously.

If you’re serious then it’s time to sit her down and have the big conversation.

You’re paying her for a job she isn’t doing and she’s taking advantage – tell her that you’re treating her like any other employee and you will no longer be employing her if she doesn’t turn up on time and do the job she’s being paid to do.

But remember that once you’ve said that then you have to stick to it which also includes not funding her lazy lifestyle. You can feed her and give her a bed, but keep your cash firmly in your bank account and see if that helps her take life a bit more seriously.

If this is the first time you’ve laid down regulations for her then you should expect a negative reaction.

You’ll have to be strong about sticking to your intention despite any protestations from her. You’re certainly not doing her any favours by handing her everything on a plate but she might not see it like that at first.

It will be hard for you if she threatens to move out but it’s important that you don’t give in if you want her to understand adult responsibilities.

Do you have advice on this problem? Please share your thoughts in the comments section below…

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