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True Confessions Agony Aunt: My life is a disappointment

Image source: Getty - posed by model

Image source: Getty - posed by model

Both my husband and I have always worked and we stay in a nice house in a good area but I’ve started to feel really fed up over what we don’t have, rather than enjoying what we’ve got.

One of my closest friends married a man who ended up quite wealthy and I can’t help comparing my life to hers – she only works part time and they have a big fancy house and great holidays but I feel as if we’re just one month’s wage away from the breadline.

We pay the mortgage then do the usual juggle to get the bills and food covered. Sometimes we’re in overdraft or if we go on holiday or have a good Christmas we spend the next six months paying off the credit card.

We always manage but I’d like more than managing. I’m going to be 50 in two years and I look old. My daughters are lovely and I’m very proud of them but that makes me feel worse in a way. They’re at the start of their lives and all I’ve got to look forward to is working to pay off the mortgage and bills and pay for them to go to university.

Is this all there is to life, just plodding on until we retire?

Stop comparing your life to your friend’s unless that inspires you to do something about your own. Either you carry on like this or you do something about it.

Get your health checked out first as anaemia or being run down over could be contributing to this, or you could be suffering from depression to some extent.

Why do you look old? If you’re unfit or not as groomed as you’d like you can do something about that, but if your discontent stems from not looking like your daughters that’s something only you can come to terms with.

Go through your finances and see if you can make any savings; is it worth skipping a holiday and saving instead so you feel in control over cash?

Give yourself six months to make some meaningful changes and if you still feel as gloomy sit down with your husband and plan the future. Nothing is set in stone.

Picture posed by model.

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