An American woman who became a viral sensation after claiming she had a third breast implanted, has turned out to be a known internet fraudster.
The woman known as ‘Jasmine Tridevil’ made international headlines after posting several selfies and videos of herself with a realistic-looking third breast, which she claims to have paid $20,000 to have it added to her chest via cosmetic surgery.
‘Jasmine’ has since been exposed as a fake and her real identity Alisha Hessler has been revealed. She was apparently wearing a prosthetic breast in the photos and video and has a history of fraudulent behaviour.
The internet domain name of has been shown as being registered to an Alisha Hessler who is also a 21-year-old Florida based massage therapist. Florida-based news network WTSP also uncovered a lost baggage receipt filed at the local Tampa Airport under the name of Alisha Hessler which included a three-breast prosthesis among the list of missing items.
Alisha seems to have a history of making attention-grabbing headlines. In December last year another story she was involved in went global.
When Alisha was allegedly assaulted she made her attacker sit at a busy intersection wearing a dunce-hat and holding a sign that read, “I beat women. Honk if I am a scumbag”.
Alisha told local news networks at the time that if he did that for eight hours then she wouldn’t press charges. “I did hit him first and then all of a sudden that’s when he started beating me repeatedly, punching me,” Hessler told
Tampa Police Department Detective Lt. Ronald McMullen told ABC news that he encourage her to file a felony battery charge but “She chose to take care of it herself. She chose not to press charges.”
Alisha’s name matches a record arrest of an Alisha Jasmine Hessler who was arrested in Hillsborough County, Florida on 14 March 2013, and charged with fraudulent use of personal information.
Perhaps most tellingly though is a post on a local business listing site, Manta, that lists Alisha’s massage business, Alisha’s Golden Hands, along with name and address details and has a very interesting note listed in the ‘About’ section: “Provider of internet hoaxes since 2014.”
According to a status update on her Facebook page posted on Tuesday, Alisha’s quite in demand now: “So I’m flying to New York to appear on The Inside Edition show this Monday! Then going to be on the news, Jimmy Kimmel show and Vice magazine! oh and a few radio shows!”
She also seems keen to deny that the breasts are fake, posting today: “Ok guys, there’s a lot of rumors going on about me. I’m going to post a video to put the rumors to rest soon. Stay tuned.”
We’re sure we’ll hear more from Alisha very soon.