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The most ridiculous things parents say to teachers

“This history is too old. When are you going to teach recent history?”

Here, several teachers – both primary and high school – shared some of the most ridiculous things they’ve ever been told by a parent.

  • I got an email from a parent at 11pm at night saying their child had lost their lunch box and was wondering if I had seen it.

  • A parent came up to me in front of the principal and said “I am so so jealous of you.” I asked her why and she said, “I was looking at your photos from your trip on Facebook.”

  • “I know my son is no angel but he would never punch another child.” This was after I had seen him do it, along with four other witnesses.”

  • My Year One class started holding ‘massage groups’ on the playground – it was innocent; they were just massaging each other’s shoulders. One day, I saw a boy using a vibrator on the other students back. I was shocked and obviously confiscated it off him before calling his mum. All she said was, “Well, I guess there’s no denying it. His father isn’t keeping me happy.”

  • Anytime a child is not doing well with learning, I’m always told it’s “because he takes after his father.”

  • The number of times I’ve heard, “Wow, I didn’t know they learnt that much from school.”

  • One mum told me that “anytime he mucks up, just call me. I’ll turn up in my leopard print pjs if I have to.”

  • “Why did you give my son a C? Clearly you’re failing as a teacher.”

  • After a student peed on the bathroom floor, we had to chat to his parents. They demanded to know why we didn’t teach them how to properly use the bathroom.

  • “If I’m paying school fees, you had better give my child something better than a D.”

  • “This history is too old. When are you going to teach recent history?”

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