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Tears for Maddie

The parents of missing British toddler Madeleine McCann have given their first major TV interview since being named as suspects in their daughter’s disappearance.

Appearing on the Spanish network Antena 3, Kate McCann broke down in tears and told the interviewer, “I feel sad and I feel lonely and our life is not as happy without Madeleine. I feel anxious she is not with us”.

At one stage Kate became so distressed that the interview had to be stopped to give her time to regain her composure.

“I think she is possibly being held by someone in their house but I don’t know,” the 39-year-old speculated, “As Madeleine’s mummy I feel in my heart that she is there.”

Asked how her two-year-old twins Sean and Amelie were coping, Kate said, “They do ask about Madeleine. Madeleine was very much a big part of their life. They are not upset and they are not distressed but they are very much aware she is not there.”

Kate’s husband Gerry added, “The hardest thing for me is when they say, ‘When is Madeleine coming back home?’ and we have to say, ‘We don’t know but everyone is looking for her’.”

During the interview the couple defended themselves against accusations that they had appeared “too cool” and emotionless when talking about their daughter’s disappearance in the past. Kate said, “We know we are innocent, totally innocent. That is why we are calm”.

Gerry added, “We are certainly not scared. There is no evidence DNA tests will show anything other than us being completely innocent”.

But the couple say despite the anguish of being named as suspects in their daughter’s disappearance, finding Maddie is their number one priority. “Nothing that has happened to us has come close to upsetting us as the way Madeleine going missing did,” said Gerry. “We have our own heartache and grief but we are absolutely determined to help in the search.”

Video: McCanns’ interviewed on Spanish TV

Read more about Madeleine McCann

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