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Susan Falls: My son doesn’t know I killed his dad

Susan Falls

She killed her husband after years of abuse climaxed with threats to her son’s life. Now, the Aussie mum tells Warren Gibbs she’s starting anew.

As seven-year-old Jackson Falls lays in bed each morning, his mum Susan curls up beside him, kisses his cheeks and whispers how much she loves him.“ I love my children so much it hurts me,” says Susan, 42.

Yet she hides a chilling secret from her little boy. “I haven’t told him that I killed his daddy,” Susan tells Woman’s Day in an exclusive interview.

Wiping away tears with a trembling hand, the petite blonde draws a deep breath. “Jackson knows his dad is dead, but he doesn’t know how,” she says, softly.

When Jackson is old enough to understand, Susan will tell him the tragic truth – that 20 years of torment left her with “no option” but to kill Rodney Falls. But for now, Susan is piecing together a new life after two decades of abuse and four years fighting a murder charge.

With a new man by her side, 39-year-old carpenter Matt Barlow, Susan is speaking for the first time since her June 3 acquittal – with the full support of her daughters, Amanda, 20, Danielle, 18, and Cassandra, 16.

“It has taken me a long, long time to trust another man and to truly discover what love really is,” Susan says. “To be told I’m a princess, to be called ‘babe’, is something so special.

“Matt has made me so happy and I’m so grateful he has come into our lives. “Jackson simply adores him, as do my daughters. I thought I found happiness when I married Rodney, but I wed a monster.”

To read the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale June 28, 2010.

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