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Random acts of kindness: Amazing stranger pays parking ticket for mum with sick baby

This stranger's incredibly kind act is totally restoring our faith in humanity.
Parking ticket

Anyone who’s spent time in a hospital with their loved ones knows that it can be a hard and trying time, but thanks to a kind stranger, this Canberra mum has just a little less to worry about.

One Canberra mother was dismayed to find a hefty parking ticket tacked onto her windshield when she exited a hospital after a seven-day stay with her nine-week-old son, but much to her surprise, someone had attached a note to the envelope.

“Hi there,” the little pink post-it began.

“I saw your car had a parking ticket on it. I’m sure whatever you are going through at hospital is tough enough, so I have paid for you,” read the note.

“Hope things get better!”

The sweet message also included a receipt number and a name – Laura.

Touched by Laura’s good deed, the woman immediately took to Facebook to share her amazing gesture and to thank her.

“Over the past few days I have been in hospital with my 9 week old son. We were discharged today and as I walked to my car I noticed that I had a parking ticket. After those days in hospital, a parking ticket was one more thing that I didn’t need,” wrote the mother on the popular Facebook group, Canberra Mothers.

“Well to my surprise, when I opened the envelope there was a note from a lovely lady named Laura,” said the mother.

“I hope that Laura sees this and knows how much I appreciate her support,” she finished, “Thank you so much.”

Since her initial posting, the post has received nearly 74,000 likes, 9,000 shares and 3,000 comments all praising Laura’s kindness.

“Beautiful. This is what we need to hear more of instead of all the horrible things put in our face every day,” wrote one commenter, “I hope people do see all the good that people do and good people that need a hand.”

“You hear so many awful things and you wonder why, then hear of people like Laura, you are one of a kind. Such a lovely thing to do,” wrote another.

We couldn’t agree more!

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