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Spoof entry may take out plus sized model comp

Spoof entry may take out plus sized model comp

US clothing line American Apparel’s search for a plus-size model competition did not impress Nancy Upton, but it now looks like she could take out the title.

The clothing label launched a “next big thing” competition to celebrate its XL range and set out to find a US size 12-14 model encouraging women to present photos of their bodies for a public vote.

The company’s website had the following call out: “We’re looking for fresh faces (and curvaceous bods) to fill these babies out. If you think you’ve got what it takes to be the next XLent model, send us photos of you and your junk to back it up.”

Nancy Upton, a size 12 woman from the Dallas, was insulted by the competition and entered satirical photos of herself gorging on or surrounded by stereotypically high-calorie foods.

But here is the twist, her spoof entry has been so successful that she may even win the poll.

“My name is Nancy Upton. I’m a size 12 and wanted to show American Apparel my fresh face (and full figure),” she wrote on her Tumblr site.

While her contest entry at americanapparel.com simply says: “I just can’t stop eating.”

Ms Upton’s pictures show herself in a series of suggestive poses including posing in a bath full of ranch dressing and lying naked, prostate on a bed of lettuce and with an apple in her mouth, mimicking a hog roast, in another.

She also took to her blog to express her opinion of the competition.

“I don’t believe that beauty should be qualified as BECAUSE of someone’s size or IN SPITE of someone’s size. Beauty is beauty, it’s fluid, it’s objective and it doesn’t need to be justified to or by anyone,” she wrote.

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