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Sperm frozen for 23 years! Meet our miracle baby

Sperm frozen for 23 years! Meet our miracle baby

At 21, Wayne Kuhn learned he had cancer, so he froze some sperm just in case. Now, as the South Australian dad tells Sandra White, he’s so glad he did…

Two years ago Woman’s Day visited Wayne Kuhn and his wife Kelly to meet their new baby girl, Elouise, who arrived 21 years after her dad’s sperm had been frozen.

Now the couple proudly introduce their second miracle daughter, Jorja, who was conceived using the oldest frozen sperm on record.

Wayne’s sperm was frozen 23 years ago after he was diagnosed with tumours on his lungs, kidney and testicles. Doctors suggested he safeguard his sperm in case the cancer treatment made him infertile.

“The chemotherapy would damage my sperm, so I was advised to freeze some before the treatment started in case I wanted children in the future,” Wayne, now 44, says.

Happily, Wayne beat his cancer, and he decided to keep his frozen sperm in storage.

” From a young age I had always dreamed of having a family,” he says. “I really hoped that one day I would be lucky enough to be called Dad.”

To read the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale May 31, 2010.

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