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Schapelle’s Freedom: She’s dancing with joy!

Schapelle's Freedom: She's dancing with joy!

Fellow Aussie prisoner Sandra Sheed says a darkness lifted from Schapelle.

Schapelle Corby faces life outside the Bali prison she has called home for nine years.

It was an unusual sight to see the normally quiet and reclusive Schapelle Corby leave the small cell she has called home for the past eight years and nine months – and literally start dancing with joy in the courtyard of Kerobokan Jail.

Smiling again and with a spring back in her step, Schapelle – who has struggled with depression during her long imprisonment – has been getting increasingly excited since October, when it was first revealed she would soon be free.

“I’ve seen her in very happy spirits, dancing with joy,” reveals fellow Aussie prisoner Sandra Sheed, who was with Schapelle when she found out that her yearned-for freedom was just around the corner.

“She looks beautiful and is very excited to be finally released. She is smiling – she’s been waiting for this day for a very long time.”

Read more of our EXCLUSIVE interview with Sandra and see more Schapelle coverage in this week’s issue of Woman’s Day, on sale Monday, February 10, 2014.

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