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I had been going out with a guy for a few months when he asked to borrow about $500 from me. Being smitten, I gladly lent the money, sure that I would see it again.

When he hadn’t called after a few days, I tried to get in contact with him. As he was living in the block of flats next door, it seemed weird that his “weekend” down the coast had now stretched to a week. I talked to his brother and flatmates and found out he was planning to use the money I had lent him to leave at 4am the next morning to go interstate and start afresh — without telling me or giving back my money.

Being independent, single and young, that money meant a lot to me, so I knew I had to try to get it back. Later that night I saw the boys next door go out (still no sight of the guy who borrowed my money) and let myself into their flat to see if there was any sign of the money. No, but his suitcase was sitting there ready to go. The boys had said that he would return early the next morning to grab his stuff and leave.

I remembered the elderly lady next door had asked me to take a few bags of her old clothes to the nearby charity clothes bin because she wasn’t able to walk there. A plan hatched in my mind. I raced back to my flat, grabbed the bags of clothes and went back to the flat. I went through his whole suitcase, taking any good clothing or belongings that I liked to the value of what he borrowed off me and replaced them with floral skirts and flouncy tops. Fair is fair!

So the next morning this guy snuck back home, grabbed his suitcase and jumped on an interstate bus, thinking he had got away with the money. When he reached his destination and wanted a change of clothes to go out and celebrate in his new town, he discovered lovely floral clothing instead of his designer gear! I can still hear him swearing!

The problem is, he blamed his brother and flatmates, thinking they had done it as a practical joke for his departure. He still is not on good speaking terms with them and accuses them of wearing “his” clothes every time he sees them.

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