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No one knows I’m a shoplifter

No one knows my secret. Twice a week after dropping my four-year-old off at kindy, my baby daughter and I go straight to the mall. I’ll always dress up nicely in my most expensive gear, and head straight for the rich suburbs.

I mainly target expensive items such as the latest perfumes that are often on display and easily reached. I steal to re-sell to make a profit and also just things for the family and myself. I’ll take as much as possible and slip them on top of the pram and underneath, and fill up the green bags, carry on browsing and finally walk out.

It started from when I was pregnant with my son. My partner and I were living in a pub and we could never afford the latest gear. I would only take clothes and lingerie to begin with but then when our son was born I found using the pram was less conspicuous. I would take the most expensive sheets, pillows and goose down duvets along with clothes for us all. I would come home and be so overwhelmed at how much everything added up to and would wonder why I never got caught.

When it came to buying groceries I would leave a box of nappies (sometimes two) along with bulk laundry power and bulk chlorine, go straight though the self serve checkout, scan one item and walk out with the rest. For all the items that had the security stickers on them I would just peel them off in the change rooms. I carried around a pair of nail scissors to make the process easier and to cut through clothes that carried the security beeper tag that they remove when you make your purchase.

One time I even managed to walk out with a top-of-the-range jogger pram. I would even return things I had not even bought to get an in-store credit.

When friends and family would visit they would always comment on our expensive things and were envious how I always managed to ‘steal’ such a bargain. They would often ask to go out shopping with me to let them in on all these great sales that I knew about, but I would never let on about my secret.

I feel guilty to this day and have been pulled aside a few times for shoplifting but have only been banned from one shop and all the other times I would make up an excuse about how I forgot and would just go and pay for the item.

When we moved overseas I thought I’d be able to live the same lifestyle and never get caught. Well I was very wrong. The first time I got arrested was for stealing over $200 worth of goods and I was let off with no criminal record. The second time I was caught shoplifting the store contacted the police as I drove off. They caught up with me, arrested me and I am due to appear in court next month.

If I could take it all back I would, and I’m happy to deal with my punishment whatever that will be.

These days I stay away from the mall altogether and only shop locally where people know me. I have to admit I am still often tempted to do it but I have a family to think of now and could never forgive myself if I ended up in jail.

Picture: Getty Images.

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