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News reporter maintains composure during a dramatic arrest

Channel Nine’s Aislin Kriukelis proved her professionalism when a dramatic scene interrupted her live cross on the Today show.
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Aislin was reporting on the suspension of two Queensland police officers outside of law enforcement headquarters in Brisbane, when an unexpected guest dropped by.

Just as the journalist was wrapping up her live cross, a man who was being arrested tried to resist officers and move closer to the camera.

While Police maintained control of the citizen, he managed to yell into the cameras and interrupt the broadcast.

Ever the professional, Aislin paid no attention to the man and maintained unrelenting composer.

It wasn’t until Sylvia Jefferies, who was back in the studio, acknowledged the arrest that Aislin broke her focus to pay the scene some attention.

“Dramatic scenes right behind you,” Sylvia stated, before Aislin responded in agreement with an effortless but assertive, “hmm.”

As the cameras focused in on the dramatic scene, hoping to catch it unfold, the reporter added in a matter-of-fact tone, “yeah, they’re clearly arresting someone here.”

From the studio Sylvia gave her input, “Aislin Kriukelis absorbing the scene and delivering the information.”

Despite the fuss, as the camera panned back over to Aislin she seemed totally unfazed and ended her live cross with a smile and a nod.

Professionalism goals: Aislin Kriukelis.

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