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Meet the legally blind nipper who beat the odds!

Nathan Jason is the legally blind little champion who hopes to one day hopes to represent Australia one day. And he won't let anything get in his way.
Nathan Jason

If there was a trophy awarded for gritty determination, 13-year-old Sunshine Coast kid Nathan Jason would win hands down. Not only 
is Nathan one of Queensland’s leading nippers – he is also legally blind.

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“I’ve been a nipper and competitive swimmer since I was five – I don’t see it as a disability. Instead I’ve decided to make it something really positive in my life,” says Nathan, who was diagnosed with rare genetic disease cone-rod dystrophy at age eight.

“My teammates help me, and the officials and coaches blow the whistle and shout in the direction I’m to swim and run. And in the pool I count my strokes end to end. My other senses are very strong. I mostly rely on the sound of the waves to guide me to shore – it’s all I know,” the brave youngster tells Woman’s Day.

Nathan’s older brother Braedon, 17, also suffers from the disease.

“The condition gets worse with age but both boys will never let it beat them,” 
says their mum Nicole, 46. In fact, Nathan’s been inspired by his big brother to chase Olympic gold.

“Braedon looks like he’s going to make the Rio Paralympic swim team this year,” says Nathan. 
“I’ve got my sights on 2020 Tokyo – ha that’s funny – my sights! I might not have it by then!”

Nathan with his proud family: [Left to right] Braedan, 17, mum Nicole, 45, Jordan, 19, Nathan 13, Reegan, 10, and dad Vincent, 44.

And this determined teen is also working hard on his studies. Although he admits he’ll never be a pilot or policeman, he one day hopes to work in the field of sports science.

“My marks are above average – I photograph all my school work on my iPad and enlarge it – and I’m a mean touch typer!”

Young Nathan’s dream is to inspire other Australians with disabilities to never give up. “I can be whatever I want to be – I’m just like all the other kids except I have to try a little harder.”

“And maybe I might end up with a couple of bionic eyes – now that would be cool!”

However, far from disheartening him, having 
a disability only makes Nathan more determined.

“I can be whatever I want to be,” he says stoically. “I’m just like all the other kids except I have to try 
a little harder.”

For more incredible Aussie real life stories, pick up this week’s issue of Woman’s Day magazine!

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