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My secret overseas career

After graduating from university with honours, I decided to head overseas for a year’s break before starting work at a law firm. My choice of destination: New Zealand. I had no idea what I would do when I got there, apart from having fun and letting loose.

After several months of travelling around, my savings got decidedly low, so I started job hunting. After many failed attempts and countless interviews, a friend I had met during my travels suggested I try her place of work as there was a vacancy. It sounded too good to be true. She always seemed to have so much money, so I was curious. She told me to wear something nice and she would pick me up that night on her way to work.

I chose my conservative black suit and did my hair in a professional style. When my friend arrived wearing a calf length black coat and heels, I realised she still hadn’t told me what she did for a living. She was very vague and changed the subject as she picked out a different outfit for me to wear. Gone was the suit and pulled-back hair; she had chosen a very short, revealing dress for me, even though it was almost winter. My suspicions rose even further as we began to drive to the other side of town and she still wouldn’t answer my questions.

My reservations were confirmed as we pulled up outside the back entrance to a dimly lit building. My heart was pounding as we made our way up the back stairs. Once inside it was like being on another planet. I hadn’t been inside a strip club in my life and it dawned on me as we made our way past girls in various states of undress that that was exactly where I was.

My friend led me to a dank room at the side of the building and asked me if I was ready. I had no idea what for but as she took my coat off, I told her I was. The man behind the desk was the slimiest creature I had ever seen and as his eyes roamed my skimpily dressed body it was all I could do not to retch. But as he began talking about how much money most of the girls went home with each night, I made up my mind to do whatever it took to get the job. Thankfully, he was suitably impressed with me and told me I could start the following night.

The next night marked the beginning of what was, and still is, the most lucrative career I have had. It didn’t take me long to pick up the moves and with the help of my friend, I soon became one of the lead dancers. I was making more money than I knew what to do with but somehow managed to stay away from the drugs that most of the girls blew all their pay on.

I lived in New Zealand for 10 months and danced for seven of them. Instead of coming home broke like most travellers, I managed to save almost 10 grand. I haven’t told any of my friends back at home, but many of them wonder just how I was able to make so much money working on the ski fields like I told them I was. And they wonder where on earth I learnt the new sexy moves I now pull on the dance floor.

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