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My Kris Kringle gift was… revenge!

My friends and I have a tradition ? every year we give each other presents to a value of about $50.00, but we don’t tell each other who it’s from ? even years later. One year, there were five of us, plus five boyfriends, in the Kris Kringle draw.

When I got my best friend Katie in the draw, who lately had been acting weird and nasty towards me, I set out to find her an el crappo present in $2.00 shops.

At the same time, my boyfriend Paul had started to avoid me. He would only come for dinner or invite me to his house on Sunday nights.

When it was the day to exchange gifts, I suggested that everyone should come over to my house where I would put up a little Christmas tree.

After everyone had put their presents under the tree, I said that we should open them tomorrow because I had a Christmas party idea. In an attempt to get my boyfriend’s attention, I suggested that all the girls come as Santa’s little helpers while all the guys come as elves. This was greeted with very enthusiastic response!

Later that day, I bought a sexy Santa’s little helper dress. Then at night, I thought about the presents and which one was mine. So, I crept out of bed and carefully went through them all. One of the presents was from my boyfriend Paul to Katie. And it had a saucy love letter attached! I couldn’t believe it. Paul was cheating on me with Katie. But I had to find out for sure whether the letter was a joke or not.

Having bought Katie some crappy chocolate for part of her present, I opened up the box and thought of what to put in it. Then I remembered ? I had been trying to go green for the environment. So I went out into the garden and brought back several worms from my compost heap.

They squished perfectly into the chocolates, which I then wrapped up so no one would be the wiser.

The next day, we exchanged presents. Katie, being a chocolate lover, started eating hers straight away ? without noticing the worms! Having received a beautiful gold bracelet myself, I was in an extra happy mood.

When I went up to put my bracelet away in my room, I heard muffled sex noises. I slowly opened the door and saw Katie, in her Santa’s little helper dress, on top of Paul!

So, my suspicions were confirmed. I was thankful that I had put the worms into Katie’s chocolates, but I still had to think of something for Paul. Then I remembered what someone did for revenge in another true confession I’d read!

Paul had a swimming pool, so I poured half a bottle of Chlorine in it. It worked like a charm. A few days later, I saw Paul and Katie with a nasty rash.

I called Paul and left a message that our relationship was over. Paul called me back and said he had been cheating on me. I forgave him, but the relationship didn’t work. So now I’m single and ready to mingle!

Names in this story have been changed.

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