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My dead husband lives on – as a cardboard cut out

My dead husband live on - as a cardboard cut out

Even after succumbing to two brain tumours, Paul Challis lives on in his family’s hearts and in cardboard, reports Lianne Ryan.

Dad of two Paul Challis died from cancer at just 38, only weeks after being diagnosed with two brain tumours.

His death devastated wife Maria, 36, and their two children Jack, 7, and Molly, 9, but his widow was determined he would never be forgotten.

Now a 185cm cardboard cut-out of Paul stands in the family home he once shared with them, looking over their shoulders every day.

The 2D-dad was a guest at his own funeral and even attended a friend’s wedding weeks after his death.

“Paul was always the life and soul of the party and it seemed only fitting for him to be there for the final party his final farewell,” Maria explains.

“I think he’d have loved it,” she smiles. “He would have said, ‘Why didn’t I think of that?’

He is pictured at one of his happiest moments, holding a bottle of champagne and laughing while onboard a cruise with Maria.

“When you lose someone you love, you worry you’ll forget them and this is our way of remembering Paul and keeping our precious memories of him alive.”

Rather than being freaked out by their cardboard dad, Maria’s Jack and Molly have got into the spirit too, finding fun ways to keep his memory alive.

“The children have dressed him up in a Santa outfit at Christmas and as Dracula on Halloween,” Maria says.

“He was due to go to a friend’s wedding some weeks after he died. He didn’t make it, but his cut-out did and it was nice to think he was there.”

To read the full story see this week’s Woman’s Day, on sale May 31, 2010.

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