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Mother’s cancer battle takes internet by storm

I thought no boobs equaled no breast cancer.
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A mother-of-two who was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer has shared a moving video on her Facebook Page.

Called Metastatic Cancer… the REAL deal Holley made the video in a bid to educate the world on what a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis means.

Metastatic breast cancer is cancer that has spread to a difference part of the body from where it started. It currently has no cure.

Holley argues there’s a lack of understanding about metastatic breast cancer so in the video she holds up a series of palm card explaining her journey.

“After a year – I thought my battle was over,” she writes.

“Metastatic breast cancer has no cure!”

Holley, from Cedar Park, Texas also shares advice on things NOT to say to someone with metastatic breast cancer.

“A metastatic patient does not want to hear…

“You will beat this”

“You’re too young”

“Have you tried this cure?”

Writing on her Facebook page, Holley Kitchen: and the Cancer Lifers, she thanked all her followers for raising awareness.

“Thank you, Lifers and Lifer supporters! I’ve received THOUSANDS (no I’m not exaggerating) of messages in the past 4 days; to say it’s been overwhelming is an understatement!” she wrote.

“I am so glad that my video has touched so many people all over the world. I want to respond to each and every message personally, but I am just one person and I have a family to take care of, so I know there’s no way I can address them all.”

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