Australian woman, Natalie Lovett, now 48, had been trying to conceive a baby for seven heartbreaking years when she flew to a San Diego fertility clinic to buy anonymous donor egg and sperm to create the baby of her dreams.
“It’s kind of a crazy thing, you date and you think about what you want in a partner and all of that – finding a donor is very similar,” Ms Lovett told Australian Story in an episode to air on Monday night.
“First thing is, do you physically have some sort of attraction to them? So I looked at height. I kind of chose colourings that were similar to myself.”
When the fertility clinic contacted Natalie to ask her what she would like to do with her remaining embryos, she hatched an unconventional solution to create a family for her daughter.
“I have one perfect daughter and then I’m told I have another 25 embryos that I can either destroy, donate to science or give away,” she said.
“I could never destroy them so I decided to give them to other childless families.”
But there is one condition to the generous gift – all families must unite the children once a year and stay in touch via a private Facebook group.
“Having the knowledge that she is not the only one, that she is not this rare and unique individual, that she is from a family in essence, these siblings are out there, to know them, to interact with them (is good),” Ms Lovett said.
“So the contract stipulates that the siblings and families get together once a year, and I hope they honour that. I mean, it is yet to be tested.”