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Miracle baby wrapped in sandwich bag to survive

Miracle premature baby boy kept alive in sandwich bag after mum's surprise labour

Tiny Isaac Derwent gave his mum a shock when he arrived 10-weeks early.

His mother, Jennifer was out shopping when she felt a slight stomach pain – but thought nothing of it.

However it was her husband Jonathan, who decided it was time to head to the hospital, The Mirror reports that he “had a premonition he might be about to deliver their second child”.

Tiny Isaac was born 10-weeks early weighing just 1.7 kilos. To help him survive doctors wrapped Isaac in a sandwich bag to insulate him.

Jennifer told reporters she was shocked to see her newborn wrapped in plastic but he has made a full recovery and she was now helping to raise money in support of medical teams who cared for him.

Below a picture shared on The Mirror to read the full report and see more amazing pictures, click here.

Photo: The Mirror/SWNS

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