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Oh grand mother! Meet Britain’s oldest mother of triplets

A 55-year-old grandmother has become the UK’s oldest woman to give birth to triplets.
Sharon Cutts

Sharon Cutts and her boyfriend Stuart Reynolds welcomed their sons Mason and Ryan and daughter Lily via C-section on March 21.

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The couple shared their miraculous news with The Sun, telling them that each baby weighed between 4 to 5 pounds (1.8-2.3kg).

Sharon explained that when she met her 40-year-old on a dating website four years ago, she had already begun menopause.

Sharon, who already had four grown-up children, knew that she wanted to have a family with the factory worker, so she decided to take out a loan of £15,000 to have IVF.

“I knew there was a possibility of multiple births because the doctor put four embryos in me, for a higher chance of conceiving,” she explained to the British paper.

“At the scan we were told there were three heartbeats. Stuart was shocked and I was in tears, crying with joy.”

“The first thing I thought was: ‘Oh my God, how am I going to cope?’” she recalled.

“I was excited, and then bricking it. Now they’re here I wouldn’t change it for the world,” Stuart quipped.

The glamorous granny knew that being an expectant mother meant she had to slow down her beauty regime. But Sharon wasn’t going to let her pregnancy stop her.

“I’ve been trained by a doctor to administer Botox … I only injected a little bit, because you really shouldn’t do it while you’re pregnant,” she admitted.

“I sneaked out to get my hair extensions changed too. It was important for me to look my best when the babies were born.”

Sharon and Stuart met four years ago on a dating website.

And her darling new kids have their pick of babysitters, with Sharon’s children, Charles, 21, Emma, 26, Sam, 23, and Amy, 19, from her previous marriage all gunning for the job.

“My daughters have come to see their new siblings and are over the moon,” she explained.

“My granddaughter Elizabeth understands I was pregnant, but is too young to realize it was her aunt and uncles.”

Sharon credits her ability to conceive to her lifestyle, revealing she was weight training and body-building while working four night shifts a week as a nurse.

“I need to be fit and stay as well as I can. I spent 11 years in the Navy and ran four marathons. I know how to look after myself,” she said.

“I also have great family genes. My mum is 75 and healthy and my great grandmother lived until she was 100. I have longevity in my blood so there’s no reason why I won’t be around to meet the triplets’ children.”

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