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Man found guilty of 32 year old cold case

A family waited three decades for justice for their murdered daughter.

Three decades after a young girl was murdered, her killer has been charged after an accomplice finally broke his silence reports 9 News.

16-year-old Michelle Buckingham disappeared in Shepparton whilst walking home on October 21st,1983.

Two weeks later the blonde teenager’s body was found nearby in long grass.

She had been stabbed 19 times.

Steven James Bradley has been charged over the murder after his brother-in-law came forward with information from the evening in question.

A court heard that the brother-in-law helped to dispose of the girl’s body but he insists he was not the one to kill her.

The victim’s mother passed away one week before the trial began so unfortunately she was unable to witness the guilty verdict handed down by the Supreme Court.

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