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Maddie’s mum feels persecuted

Kate McCann, the mother of missing British toddler Madeleine McCann, believes she’s been unfairly judged as cold-hearted and uncaring because of her slim appearance.

Kate and her husband Gerry have been named as suspects in the case of their daughter’s disappearance from a Portuguese hotel room on May 3 this year. The couple have vehemently maintained their innocence in the face of police and media speculation that they may have harmed their daughter.

Now, Kate’s mother Susan Healy has revealed that her daughter feels more people would believe her if she had a fuller figure.

Kate, 39, told her mum, “If I weighed another two stone, had a bigger bosom and looked more maternal, people would be more sympathetic.”

Susan, 61, told British newspaper The Mirror, “I think it is terrible that she’s having to think like that.

“She does feel persecuted, not by the general public who have been supportive but by some sections of the media.

“She is not this person in control all the time. Kate is very sensitive and one of the most maternal people I know — she puts me to shame.”

Kate’s gaunt appearance has caused some public concern for her health, but Susan explains, “She’s always had that build and has never carried any weight. But she does look very traumatised.”

Susan insists that her daughter and son-in-law are innocent, and says she has not given up hope of seeing her granddaughter again: “I have heard nothing yet to convince me that Madeleine is not still alive.”

However Kate and Gerry have admitted for the first time that they know their daughter is probably dead. As the six-month anniversary of Madeleine’s disappearance draws near, hope of finding her alive seems to be fading.

“Gerry and Kate are realistic enough to know there’s a probability she is dead,” their spokesman Clarence Mitchell said yesterday.

However the couple is determined to continue their search for Madeleine. “They need to know what has happened,” added their spokesman. “This uncertainty cannot hang over them for the rest of their lives.”

Your say: Do you think Kate McCann has been unfairly judged on her appearance? Leave your comments below…

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